How to Save your Company from a Total IT Failure with Automated Testing

How to Save your Company from a Total IT Failure with Automated Testing


A company can suffer a total IT failure if it doesn’t have the right automated testing infrastructure in place. Automated testing is one of the best ways to prevent your technology from going down and ensuring that you do not experience any issues with your website or software application.

Automation can save testing time by 50% to 90%. By shortening the test cycle, you also shorten the delivery cycle (including 10% of overall R&D).

Without automated testing, you run the risk of experiencing an IT failure, which would mean losing access to your entire business. Luckily, there are plenty of ways that you can set up automated testing as well as work closely with experts who will help prevent this from happening.

What exactly is an ‘IT failure’?

An ‘IT failure’ is any issue that prevents a company from operating effectively, efficiently, and safely. There are many reasons that an IT failure can occur, but the most common causes include:

  1. Human error
  2. Hardware or software issues (such as viruses)
  3. Combination of these factors

The Total IT Failure Scenario

If you are in the business of automating and testing your systems, it is important to understand what an IT failure looks like. An IT failure can be defined as any problem that causes a system to stop working properly. This can include hardware issues, software bugs and even human errors.

While most companies will experience IT failure at some point in their lives, there are steps that can be taken by management teams so that they don’t become further victims of this ongoing epidemic within the workforce.

IT failure is not a theoretical scenario. It happens to companies of all sizes and industries, from small- to medium-sized businesses to large multinationals. In fact, according to Gartner Inc., IT failures cost organizations more than $6 billion each year in lost productivity and increased costs for repairing systems.

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The Role of Automated Testing in Avoiding a Total IT Failure

In the past, most companies would have a few people who were responsible for keeping their systems running. They would update the system regularly, and they would also test it before deploying any new features or upgrades. However, when companies began to scale up their infrastructure, these individuals were no longer enough. They couldn’t keep up with the demands of their growing systems.

And so these companies began hiring more people to deal with this problem—but this didn’t solve it either. The companies still had too many people working on maintenance and testing tasks. The result? A total failure of their IT systems.

Automated testing is a way to ensure that your software works as expected. With automated testing, you can test your software in a faster and more efficient manner than with manual tests. This will allow you to identify issues before they become critical, so that they don’t cause problems for users and/or business operations.

Prevent an IT failure by Practicing comprehensive Automated Testing

IT testing is a big part of the job, but it’s not always the most fun or interesting part. It can be tedious and frustrating, especially if you’re going through the same process over and over again.

But to prevent an IT failure by practicing comprehensive automated testing, you need to make sure that your testing framework is comprehensive—and that includes all your tools.

Here are some ways you can prevent an IT failure by practicing comprehensive automated testing:

  • Create a test plan: Create a plan with all the different scenarios you expect your software will go through and how you want your software to function under those conditions. This allows you to create tests for everything from basic functionality to more advanced functionality in case there are bugs that need to be fixed before launch day.
  • Test for regressions: You should test your software on a regular basis, preferably every day (or even more frequently if you have time). But don’t forget about bugs that appear after a new release—they may not show up immediately, and your users will expect them to work properly. If they don’t, they’ll probably go looking for another app to use until yours is fixed! So make sure to test every time there’s a new release.
  • Focus on stability: It’s easy to get caught up in “the next shiny thing” or “the latest and greatest,” but if your users aren’t happy, what good does it do? Make sure that any new features are tested thoroughly before hitting production, because even the smallest change could cause problems for IT failure.


If you want to avoid an IT failure and keep your company safe from any kind of disaster, then the first thing that you need to do is to practice comprehensive automated testing. This will ensure that all the software releases are tested for bugs or errors before it hits production. You should also work with test automation experts who can help you choose the right tools for your business needs.